Fruit Scones


Light, crumbly, fruit scones – packed full of sultanas, these scones only need a light spread of jam and a teaspoon of your favourite jam to achieve perfection. This reliable Delia recipe has been a family favourite for many years and never fails to delight.

So, I’m going to put it out there – my favourite time of the day to eat a scone is for breakfast. Now, I know what you’re all thinking. That is more than a little bit strange! In Britain, scones are a traditional afternoon tea treat. However, many moons ago my mother, who comes from Belgium, thought she would try and learn to make scones (she’s an absolute expert, and I have to admit hers always come out better than mine!). Her trusty Delia book did not give any indication of when these should be eaten, and so she made them for breakfast. And although it may not be conventional, it’s no more odd than eating a croissant and jam before 9am!


You can of course still eat these at tea time – I tend to make mine as ‘mini’ scones, so you get to feel naughty and eat more than one – but I really consider them an any time of day treat. And as these scones have a generous amount of sultanas in them, you can kid yourself into thinking they count as one of your 5 a day!


Now there may be many of you who are wondering what is a scone? And is it pronounced ‘skon’ or ‘scone’ (like cone with an ‘s’ at the front). Although I can’t answer the debate on pronunciation, I can explain what a scone is! Technically, it is a type of dough enriched with eggs and butter, where you start as if you were making pastry by rubbing the butter into the flour and sugar to make crumbs. The effect creates a crumbly half bread, half pastry product – crumbly and light, a good scone should melt away in your mouth, and provide a buttery texture and taste which is perfect for lashings of jam on top.


Traditionally scones are served with jam and clotted cream – however our dairy free version comes with a nice bit of dairy free butter. Unfortunately I think clotted cream is just one of life’s pleasures we may have to go without, but there are other upsides – no cream means you can definitely have at least 1 more scone!


Makes 10 – 12 mini scones (enough for breakfast for 4 people). Takes 20 minutes plus baking and cooling time.

Recipe adapted from Delia Smith’s Winter Cookbook

  • 225g self raising flour
  • 30g caster sugar
  • 75g dairy free butter
  • 75g sultanas (you could substitute this for raisins or any other dried fruit)
  • 1 egg, beaten
  • 3 -4 tbsp non dairy milk (soy or nut milk works perfectly)
  • To serve: some dairy free butter and jam
  1. Preheat the oven to 220 degrees and line a baking tray with greaseproof paper.
  2. Add the flour, sugar and butter to a large bowl, and rub the butter into the flour until it resembles breadcrumbs. Stir in the sultanas.
  3. IMG_3542
  4. Make a well in the centre, and pour in the eggs and 3 tbsp of milk. Using the handle of a table knife, mix the dough together as much as possible, using your hands to finish it off. The dough should just come together but not be too sticky – if it’s too dry add a dribble of milk at a time – if it’s too sticky, add a bit more flour.
  5. IMG_3544
  6. Flour the work surface, tip out the dough and flatten using your hands to about 4 – 5 cm thick. Using a medium size round cutter (about 6cm in diameter) cut out the scones. Lightly knead the remaining dough and cut out more scones – repeat until all the dough is used.
  7. IMG_3545
  8. Place the scones on the baking tray and bake for 10 – 12 minutes until risen and golden.
  9. IMG_3546
  10. Leave to cool on a wire rack for 10 minutes, then serve with some butter and jam.



Filed under breakfast, Fruit, Sweet treats

3 responses to “Fruit Scones

  1. Catherine Hughes

    Excellent recipe! I’m currently tucking into a couple of tester scones, very light and just the right level of crumbliness. I don’t normally follow a dairy free diet but I still think these have a great flavour. I did add a pinch of salt to help perk it up a little and I used Pure and Oatly as the dairy substitutes. I’ve frozen the majority of the scones in their raw (cut out) state ahead of a visit from friends with a lactose intolerance. Hopefully they’ll bake up just as well from slightly defrosted.


    • Thanks Catherine! So glad you enjoyed them! Freezing them is fine (I often do 🙂 ) you may just need to add a few minutes to the baking time if they’re not fully defrosted beforehand. Thank you again for taking the time to comment! Steph x


      • jocelyn salmon

        Thanks these came out really well. I might try savoury version with olives and herbs 👍


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